In most cases you'll earn a percentage of the earnings your referrals get, in some a set fee per referral.
Unfortunately, one of the biggest gripes over in my Facebook group for users of Get Paid To / survey sites is that it is so hard to get referrals. And it can be. Unless you develop a system.
I've been affiliate and referral marketing for over 25 years, although only in the past couple of years have I focused on GPT sites.
I've also run a number of 30 Day Challenges in the past - you can see the related publications here on Amazon and read my reviews.
With this in mind I've decided to combine the two areas of knowledge for 2018 with the launch of the 30 Day Referral Challenge.
If you're struggling to find referrals, this 30 day
I'll cover writing ads and posts, finding places to gain referrals, 'out of the box' ways to get referrals, what not to do and more.
Each day for 30 days you'll receive
I'm looking for people to test this out and at the end of it give feedback - it's completely free of charge, I won't use your email address for anything else or pass it on to anyone.